Jen Consoli working at her desk.
Jen Consoli

Garfinkel Immigration staff spotlight: Business Manager Jen Consoli

Welcome to the Garfinkel Immigration staff spotlight series, where we will conduct a bimonthly Q&A with one of the Firm’s team members. In this edition, we spoke with Business Manager Jen Consoli.

What drew you to the immigration law field?

I had been in the construction field for over 10 years, and I was ready for a new opportunity.

What have you found most rewarding about working at Garfinkel Immigration Law Firm?

It’s really rewarding to see how all of the things that we do “behind the scenes” on the administrative side of the business work together to serve our clients and the needs of the Firm.  We are definitely a huge piece of the puzzle, and it’s really impactful to know that my work (and the team’s) will directly affect someone’s life in a positive way.  It’s also rewarding to have the opportunity to work with so many wonderful, intelligent, thoughtful people.  It really is a collaborative group, and I’m so thankful for that.

What do you consider your most significant professional accomplishment?

Internally, we developed a Legal Admin process in late 2022 to assist a more hybrid workforce, and it has been really successful. We started off with just a few case types, and it has grown to where we now, as a team, process most (if not all) case types for the teams in our firm. I have a great team, and I’m so thankful for them and the work that they put into embracing this process and making it run so smoothly.

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?

Hanging out with my sweetheart of a dog, Luna, or planning fun trips to spend time with my family and friends.

What is your favorite movie or TV show? Why?

Oh boy…my tastes are all over the place.  Reality TV will always be my true love, and I’m not the least bit embarrassed about that (my work keychain says “going home to watch Bravo”).  I’m a 90s girl, so I love anything from that era – “Friends,” “Home Improvement,” “90210,” etc.  I also love documentaries and will make time to watch any crime or sports doc I can find.  I’m less of a movie person, but my all-time favorites are “The Sandlot” and “You’ve Got Mail.”

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

Once upon a time, I did wedding photography.  I’ve also done a few craft vendor shows with my landscape photography.

Read more Garfinkel Immigration staff spotlights

Senior Paralegal/Team Lead Jami Kennedy

Senior Paralegal/Team Lead Carrie Sparr

Senior Paralegal/PERM Team Lead Renée O

Senior Paralegal/Team Lead Vivian Cruz

Knowledge Manager Tess Pacheco

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Garfinkel Immigration Law Firm at 704-442-8000 or via email with any questions.

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