William Crotty

Garfinkel Immigration attorney spotlight: Associate Attorney William Crotty

Welcome to the Garfinkel Immigration attorney spotlight series, where we will conduct a bimonthly Q&A with one of the Firm’s lawyers. In this edition, we spoke with Associate Attorney William Crotty.

William Crotty attended the Wake Forest University School of Law, where he graduated with a J.D. in 2022. He was a law clerk in the summer associates’ program at Garfinkel Immigration before joining the Firm as an associate attorney.

How long have you practiced immigration law?

Counting my work as a summer associate, I am right at a year of practicing.

What drew you to the immigration law field?

I dealt with immigration law during my time in executive search, so I had a familiarity going into law school. I was also interested in the field as it is an area of the law where I could use my Spanish.

What have you found most rewarding about working in immigration law?

I really enjoy the close contact we have with our clients and that immigration law is a win-win: foreign nationals receive visas or residency, and our country receives talented professionals.

What do you consider your most significant professional accomplishment?

So far, I am proud of the success we have had in preparing National Interest Waivers on behalf of clients. It is a creative solution for many different foreign nationals, and I am glad that we are able to have them here improving our country.

What do you see as the most substantial challenges ahead in the complicated and ever-evolving environment around immigration law issues?

As we saw with the recent H-1B lottery, the demand for visas from qualified foreign nationals far exceeds our current quotas. We need some congressional changes to update these quotas, as we are missing out on tens of thousands of high-quality professionals.

What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?

Travel is my absolute favorite thing to do. When I’m not travelling, I am playing golf, pickleball or watching sports.

What is your favorite movie or TV show? Why?

Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain. I am a really big fan of his, he was a great writer and I think he has a rare ability to conduct a travel show without being voyeuristic. His show also centers around food.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

I have been to North Korea (though only for a few minutes).

As always, please do not hesitate to contact Garfinkel Immigration Law Firm at 704-442-8000 or via email with any questions.

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